MTG Madness



Typically a graveyard is a place where the dead can lay for eternity in peace.  Alas, as we know young planeswalker in Magic the Gathering that is not always the case. We know there are powerful necromages who use the graveyard to full fill their own selfish means. Disturbing the dead can be a dangerous thing to do indeed.  What if I were to tell you there is a planeswalker that enjoys using the grave for a different reason? He puts his own creatures in the grave to have a multitude of effects go off and ultimately win what ever battle he is in. I know by now you are wondering how anyone can use the graveyard to win a battle without summoning back the dead? How about I just show you instead young walker.
Mortal Combat
Undead Combat


Bile Urchin4xBile Urchin
Blood Pet4xBlood Pet
Butcher of Malakir2xButcher of Malakir
Death Cultist4xDeath Cultist
Fume Spitter4xFume Spitter
Mortician Beetle4xMortician Beetle
Reassembling Skeleton4xReassembling Skeleton
Street Wraith4xStreet Wraith


Mortal Combat4xMortal Combat


Altar's Reap4xAltar’s Reap
Culling the Weak2xCulling the Weak


Barren Moor4xBarren Moor

Indirect battle of the dead?
Yes young walker this is how you can use the grave to help you win. Rather one example if you will. This black mage uses a simple enchantment named Mortal Combat to pull out a win. All he has to do is put a total of twenty creatures into his grave and wait till his next turn after that to win. It won’t matter about life totals, number of creatures you’re about to attack him with next turn to kill him not even poison counters will matter. As you can see, each creature has a role to play in the spell list to help him achieve his over all goal. Some give him mana when sacrificed, and others make a challenger lose life when they die. But don’t go thinking all you have to do is keep Mortal Combat off the field, his Mortician Beetle can get larger with each creature that is sent to the grave as well.
Mortician Beetle Bile Urchin

Stopping the Undead Battle
Well it is tough to do battle against this mage young walker. The biggest threat is letting him live long enough to fill his graveyard to its max then just winning the battle next turn. Just keeping some of his main spells off the board can be easier said than done though. The bright side to doing battle with this master of black mana, is the main win isn’t always avaliable to him to win by. Like many other mages, sometimes he just can’t get the one spell he needs to come forth and seal the deal. So how do you fight this mage? Young planeswalker, you have enough knowledge by now I shall let you decide that. What strategy do you think would be best to battle this mage?

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