MTG Madness


EDH/Commander Deck Archetype- Mono Blue Charbelcher

The sea is a powerful force for even the strongest of planeswalkers. Today's lesson is yet another example of the power both the sea and an unrelenting god has. In Theros, a powerful god rules over the seas and she can be relenting against those who do not worship her. Thassa, God of the Sea is that ruler. She commands respect and can smite you should you not give her that respect. We have managed to assemble a list of known spells she uses against those who disobey her. She does have a secret weapon she likes to use, and we shall learn more on how it functions. Now, shall we examine our list?
Thassa, God of the Sea
Boiling Belcher

Artifact (12)
1xCourier's Capsule
1xCrystal Ball
1xDarksteel Ingot
1xGalvanic Key
1xGoblin Charbelcher
1xMind Stone
1xPristine Talisman
1xSol Ring
1xSphere of the Suns
1xUr-Golem's Eye
1xVoltaic Key

Artifact Creature (10)
1xAlloy Myr
1xFaerie Mechanist
1xFiligree Sages
1xMyr Galvanizer
1xMyr Sire
1xOpaline Unicorn
1xPalladium Myr
1xPhyrexian Metamorph
1xPilgrim's Eye
1xSilver Myr

Creature (13)
1xAphetto Alchemist
1xAugury Owl
1xPrescient Chimera
1xQuicksilver Dragon
1xRenegade Doppelganger
1xSigiled Starfish
1xSpiketail Drakeling
1xSpiketail Hatchling
1xTrench Gorger
1xTrickster Mage

Enchantment (2)
1xDictate of Kruphix
1xEyes of the Watcher

Instant (13)
1xDream's Grip
1xMana Leak
1xMuddle the Mixture
1xPsychic Puppetry
1xStymied Hopes
1xTelling Time
1xThink Twice
1xVoyage's End

Sorcery (10)
1xArgivian Restoration
1xMana Severance
1xRise of Eagles
1xSerum Visions
1xTrain of Thought

Land (39)
Ruin1xBuried Ruin
1xReliquary Tower

Roiling Sea

As one can see, Thassa enjoys controlling any aspect of a battle she may face with any foe. From manipulating her own spell tomb by scrying through the spells she wields, to countering anything her foe may cast. Her favorite weapons to use have to be the Goblin Charbelcher and either the Trench Gorger or Mana Severance. The later of the two spells only make things horrifying for her foes. With her land being stripped from her tomb for the battle, her Charbelcher can do maximum damage. Thassa is not a normal foe young walker. She is a god after all, do not under estimate her power as it might be your last moment on Theros.
Goblin CharbelcherTrench GorgerMana Severance
Wrath of the Sea

Thassa has powerful command of every creature in the sea and does so without much hassle. Grozoth is another deadly monster she enjoys letting loose on her foes.  Using her powerful Charbelcher is easier than just a one hit kill for her. Thassa can use it more than one time in any battle she is in. With the help of Galvanic Key or Voltaic Key it can be triggered at least two more times to ensure the death of more than one foe.

She is a god young walker. Should you ever face her in battle, it might be your last battle. Do not hold anything back and be ready to lay everything out on the line against her. Thassa is just like the sea, unforgiving and relentless when it comes to battles. A race against the clock is the only chance you have at defeating this god young walker. I strongly recommend you keep your path clear from hers and just keep moving. Should you have to find yourself in a battle, stand your ground and fight with honor.

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